"Christmas Party" revolves around the office's annual Secret Santa gift swap, and for the first time ever Jim has gotten his beloved Pam's name in the drawing. He gives her a super thoughtful gift - a tea pot, since she loves tea - and fills it with inside jokes and reminders of great times they've spent together. The icing on the cake is a card which Jim cryptically explains by saying, "Christmas is the time to tell people how you really feel." On the Michael front, the self-proclaimed "World's Best Boss" is planning on impressing Ryan the temp (with whom he shares a very one-sided, very homoerotic relationship) with a brand new video iPod - a gift which clearly exceeds the recommended $20 limit. When Michael receives Phyllis' oven mitt as his gift, he flies into a childish rage and much to his employees' dismay switches the format to "Yankee Swap" - something Dwight accurately describes as "Machiavelli meets... Christmas."
Eventually Michael realizes the error of his ways - it turns out the only thing he likes more than proper recognition is an awesome Christmas party. To make up for his tantrum he purchases a shitload of vodka, everyone gets wasted, and the gang has a great time. The night ends with refrigeration magnate Bob Vance taking them all out to Poor Richard's for an afterparty, but not before a spirited snowball fight in the Dunder Mifflin parking lot. Oh and Pam ends up with the tea pot, but minus the card. Michael sums it up in typical fashion:
"Christmas is awesome. First of all, you get to spend time with people you love. Secondly, you can get drunk and no one can say anything. Third, you give presents. What's better than giving presents? And fourth, getting presents. So, four things. Not bad for one day. It's really the greatest day of all time."Michael Scott may be an asshole most of the time, but you really can't argue with that. In fact, as the show went on and the writers were forced to make him more sympathetic, his dickishness was replaced with more of a naive lack of self-awareness, and a childlike need to be liked and surrounded with people who cared about him. He and Christmas are a perfect fit - it's no wonder it's his favorite holiday.
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