Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas

Much like Zuccotti Park, the Christmas season is often the site of the age old battle between capitalism and socialism.  While Americans are expected to trample the elderly and pepper spray pregnant women to get a new Wii, we are also bombarded by the socialist messages of people like George Bailey, Jesus, and Emmet Otter.  And if it's the "true meaning of Christmas" you're looking for (i.e. "communism"), then you can't do better than the aforementioned otter and his Jugband Christmas.

The adorable Emmet Otter lives with his equally adorable mother along a river populated with other adorable characters.  What's not adorable is how poor they are - even though they manage to scrape by by bartering goods and services with their neighbors, they are constantly taken advantage of by the "1%" of the river, including the evil Gretchen Fox. When a local talent contest gives both Otters a chance to finally get the other a decent Christmas gift, they must decide whether or not to sacrifice the other's livelihood (hock Emmet's toolchest/make a bass out of Mama's washtub) in order to enter.  In the end, both Mama and Emmet's jug band lose to a no-good (but badass) group of rock n' rollers called the Riverbottom Nightmare Band.  But just when all seems lost, Mayor Frog decides to hire the band to perform in his restaurant, with Mama as the lead singer.  Christmas is saved once again!

I first saw this special on HBO in the early 80's and while the blatant socialist propaganda went over my head at the time, as a huge Muppets/Fraggle Rock fan I loved the puppetry. Henson and Co. experimented with camera angles, different scales, and motorized puppetry for a result that's really beautiful to watch (and listen to).  Check out my favorite song by the titular jug band, "Barbecue".  It may not be very Christmas-y, but dang do I love me some barbecue.

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